
Showing posts from May, 2021

The "Dirt" On How To Boost Your Immune System

Looking to Boost Your Immune System?  Don't Be Afraid to Get Dirty . As we reflect back on our childhood days, many of us remember simpler times spent running outdoors and rolling in the grass, completely unbothered by the worry of getting a little dirty. We’d return to the house, wiping our face with our muddy fingers, and wash up for dinner. As it turns out, this outdoor playtime was its own vital probiotic boost. In the not-so-distant future, your doctor might recommend supplementing your immune-boosting routine with spending time going back to your roots and getting a little dirty. It’s not as outlandish as it sounds. Researchers are proving that the bacteria Mycobacterium vaccae found in soil could be vital to our health in several studies around the world. For most of history, humans and bacteria have had a symbiotic relationship; bacteria in our gut help us process our food, among many other jobs. Unfortunately, modern life—especially our cleanliness compulsion—is reducing

Your Gut Health Can Predict Your Body's Response to COVID-19

Lab studies suggest your gut health may play a role in COVID severity. The Coronavirus or COVID-19 has dominated worldwide throughout 2020 and predicted to take over much of the beginning of 2021. But with the vaccine rolling out steadily across the United States, the country can see what could be the light at the end of a long tunnel.  Although the wait to receive the vaccine may take some time, it is notable to stay proactive in preventative measures such as; wearing a face mask, staying six-feet apart from others, and washing your hands for 20-seconds.  However, Did you know your gut health could impact your body's response to COVID-19? According to a study conducted by The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shatin, Hong Kong, researchers were able to find how our gut microorganisms likely influence how our bodies respond to COVID-19. Researchers used shotgun sequencing to extract DNA from stool samples of 100 patients infected with COVID-19 and compared 27 of those patients'